Tuesday, July 5, 2011

exhausted... but happy

I'm exhausted... I've been walking all day to see people. But they aren't home... It is hot so no one else is really out side except for that guy in the red truck that got pulled over. This past week I have been walking a lot. It hadn't been too bad, but I think I've just about hit my limit. I don't know how much farther I can go. Its more than just physical exhaustion. I think I could handle it if it was. But I'm also mentally and emotional exhausted as well.

Even though I am so tired. I am grateful to be a missionary. I am grateful that I've walked just about every street in the city of Gallatin. It makes me happy to give people to opportunity to hear about the Gospel of Jesus Christ and how it has been restored. I will gladly be exhausted and worn out knowing that someone has found eternal happiness through the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

I know that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is the same church that Christ established. That it has been restored. I know that it will bring you happiness in your life. Because it has brought me so much happiness in my life. Even when I'm walking all day long I am happy. I am happy for this great message I have to share. Find out how you can have this happiness. mormon.org

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